Open Garden raises £700 for the Admiral Nurse Campaign

It was with great pleasure (and after a great deal of hard work!!) that Richard and Nelly Marker opened their garden at Beech Walk near Gittisham to visitors on 2ndJune. The weather was fantastic and showed the gardens off fabulously to the 100 or so garden enthusiasts that turned up to take in the splendour of the 5 acres of private grounds at Beech Walk House.
When it was decided to hold an open garden in aid of the Admiral Nurse Campaign, Head gardener David Greenway-Rowe was tasked with ensuring that everything was up to scratch. David and his team of helpers have worked very hard over the past months.
Incorporating a woodland garden, arboretum, formal lawns and tiered vineyard garden, Beech Walk has a lot to offer those interested in all things Horticultural.
Although mature, the gardens are continually evolving and in addition to the specimen plants and trees on show there are also areas of new planting and developing landscapes within the boundaries. The kitchen garden provides ample fruit and vegetables for the family throughout the year and is an important feature of the beautifully situated gardens at the Marker family home.
Guests were able to enjoy a cream tea on the top lawn and drink in the wonderful views that the gardens enjoy over Combe Park and to the East Devon countryside beyond. In all £700 was raised on the day for Admiral Nurse Campaign, a cause that the Markers and Combe Estate have been supporting in various ways over the last year or so.