Garden Centre Gets The Go Ahead

We are delighted to announce that we have received Planning Consent for the development of a retail garden centre on land at Meadow View Nursery off Hayne Lane near Honiton.
This has been the culmination of almost two years worth of planning and research by the Estate team and it is a fantastic result to finally obtain planning consent.
The intention is to offer a high quality retail experience which is committed to sourcing locally produced goods for sale wherever possible. We wish to ensure that our customers receive the best advice and the highest level of customer service.
We have been working closely with James Trevett, former manager of the successful and award winning Sidmouth Garden Centre who has been appointed to oversee the project and manage the business when it opens its doors.
Justin Lascelles, Combe Estate Manager, commented “We have set ourselves an ambitious target both in terms of what we intend to deliver and the timing. We have several planning conditions to satisfy before we can make a start but we hope to be opening our doors by mid 2018. Its an exciting project and we are really looking forward to utilising as many estate products as possible both in the construction phase and as part of what we can offer for sale. Timber products such as logs for fuel and landscaping, stone, wild grown seedlings and trees can all be sourced from the Estate. We will be felling some of our own trees to use when we construct the building so the whole project has a real feel of sustainability about it.”
“We were delighted that our planning application received 24 letters of support and no objections. This demonstrates to us that the local community see this as a great idea and that they have confidence in our ability to provide a great place for them to source their garden supplies.”
Historically the site at Meadow View Nursery was a wholesale plant nursery and this project will facilitate the regeneration of this land for a use which has great synergy with the Estate and its rural emphasis.
We will be posting regular updates on the progress of this project so do please check back to keep abreast of how its going.